-GypsyRipper: When did you start smoking?
-BlakeToole: Fifteen. My dad smoked pipes and I wanted to do something a bit different and gave cigars a try. Ive been enjoying em ever since.
-GypsyRipper: What do you look for in a smoke when purchasing one?
-BlakeToole: I like a stronger tasting cigar, called maduro, its the darker leaf tobacco. I feel it brings out more flavor in the smoke.
-GypsyRipper: How much do they run in cost?
-BlakeToole: They've gone up in price with the new administration, but you can pick one up between, $4-$8.
-GypsyRipper: Tell me about this months "Cigar Aficionado" magazine?
-BlakeToole: Well this past father's day we were all up here at Corona Cigar Bar, and we got a group photo taken of us. Well I went back home to Birmingham and figured what the heck, Im gunna send the photo to Cigar Aficionado and see if they'll run it. Months go by and I forgot about it. Well two weeks ago I got the new issue and you and I were having a smoke at my house and BAM, there we are hahaha.
-GypsyRipper: Why do you smoke Cigars?
-BlakeToole: With today's society everyone's on the go, hustle and bustle. I feel the cigar forces you to sit down, relax and take it all in; and to enjoy the smoke with family and friends!!