Momma Toole came up to Ky. this past weekend and man was it fun having her around!! Busy, but great!! We went to Keeneland and watched some pretty horses race a beautiful track and a diverse crowd have a blast even though the weather was cold and a bit rainy. Hope you enjoy the shots!!
Went on a ride today and ended up in Lawrenceburg, Ky. where Wild Turkey Bourbon is distilled. I went on a tour which took us into a number of the buildings and showed us up close how they make the infamous brown fire water. After a enjoyable tour and free taste test I was off with a grin and deeper respect for Bourbon.
Met a fella today named John and had a nice conversation with him. He is a native to Kentucky and was out diggin' up the soil in search for old bottles. The dude was really laid back and seemed to be enjoying his simple life. He was telling me that his father was in the biker gang "HellsAngels" and that he thinks they killed him cause he accused one of the members for stealing his bike. Wild stuff!!